STORYlistening®-projects deliver results quickly, reliably and cost-effective
STORYlistening®-projects are addictive
“Many of our customers start with a small project. However, when they have initially experienced the abundance of insights and the tangible deductions of STORYlistening®, they want the same quality for many more of their questions!”
Dr. Olaf Rughase
Projects – quick, reliable & cost-effective
STORYlistening® projects are manageable. The method enables us, even after only a few conversations with customers, to recognise the most important patterns. This definitely requires a suitably high level of detail within the lifeworld of the customer, rather than mathematical and statistical finesse.
This makes STORYlistening®-projects, depending on timing and appointment planning of the conversations, very fast and at the same time very reliable regarding the results.
We offer flat-rates in order to help our customers easily calculating the cost, whereby travelling costs are extra. Small projects often lie, depending on the size of the company, within the budget-framework of responsible department heads.
STORYlistening®– projects encompass five deliverables: leading the interviews exclusively by a person with strategic experience as a manager, the appraisal, a clear assessment of the results, tangible action recommendations and the decision workshop.
STORYlistening®– projects are always a matter for the boss. Because the questions are always relating (directly or indirectly) to the strategy of the company which require experience and strategic know-how, at least one of the partners of Schindl Rughase Partners works on all aspects of the project personally and actively. Schindl Rughase Partners consider employing students or people without leadership experience to be irresponsible when dealing with a company’s core questions.
STORYlistening®-projects are a matter for the boss
“STORYlistening® needs experience and strategic know-how. For this reason, at least one of our partners works actively on every part of the project. By that, we can guarantee the quality of the results and ensure, that our customer receives professional and genuine support when making strategic decisions.”
Dr. Michael Schindl