Internal & external communication

Every honest conversation starts with listening, not telling. Yet Marketing departments rarely do dispose of the necessary tools to connect to customers’ lifeworlds. Instead they have to build upon what is at hand – demographics, clients history and typologies no real customer usually would identify with. As a result, what companies intend as “communication” risks to end as an expensive monologue, rarely experienced as authentic, honest or credible by customers.

STORYlistening® closes that gap by delivering vivid and coherent insights that are based on real life experiences, motives, convictions, values and issues people out there do have. So finally, for storyTELLING and other communication instruments you now have reusable building blocks to make communication authentic and interwoven with those customer’s lifeworld elements that really matter to him.

STORYlistening® confronted i.a. the following core questions:

  • instead of having to rely on our agency’s phantasy about our clients – how can we provide them with a substantial briefing about our audience and our stakeholders that leads to a distinctive campaign ?
  • which content and direction of communication support do sales and customer service need ?
  • which content and platforms or channels are relevant for our customers ?
  • how can we communicate the upcoming internal change – based on what our employees think about the company, the future, threats and opportunities, low hanging fruits and “no go’s” ? How is their mindset about dealing with changes, what is the “strategic stretch” people believe in ? What is the right communication, the right information policy and how to motivate people to give the change a chance ?
